Check Out This 2.5 Year Old Singing With Some Classical Sheet Music
What Our 6000+ Members Are Saying…
This is the greatest resource I have found in my 28 years as a music educator! The K-3rd graders love everything about “Mr. Rob videos!” I also use it at home with my teenage daughter with special needs and my two young grandsons (5 & 6 years old)!

Mike Green
Music TeacherWe stumbled across this program on Facebook after I had become frustrated at the lack of music education in our area — we don’t even have any children’s choirs!
I knew I wanted to get a lifetime membership after just a few videos. The way this is set up is simply brilliant! My children picked up on it very quickly and are now leaps and bounds ahead of where I was at their age (and I actually grew up in the house of two music people!) They know the solfege and the notes well. The videos are delightful and effective. The workbooks are fun and help reinforce everything. We haven’t even gotten that far into the program. I am so excited about doing recorder, ukulele, and more!

Emily Jane Cargile
MomMy oldest (almost 5) LOVES this program. He asks to watch it constantly, and he’s learned a ton in just over 2 months. My youngest (18 mos) also absolutely loves playing with bells, tapping along to sweet beats, and laughs every time he sees the baby. THANK YOU! I’m very excited to get the kids interested in music so early in life.

Kelly Knight Churbuck
MomI love the passion that Mr. Rob has in every lesson. I feel this is one of the best ways to teach young children the wonderful language of music.

Madyson Richardson
Homeschool TeacherI just wanted to say thank you so much for making this course!! My son is 3.5 and mostly non-verbal, was completely about 6 months ago but he’s been in speech therapy for 1.5 years now. I have sang to him and used music since he was an infant and he’s responded really well so when I seen this course I was super excited to check it out. We watched some of the videos on your youtube channel to check out what the course was like and my son was hooked from the very beginning!
We watched through one of the hour long videos and he fell in love with the rain and chord cloud video. We didn’t understand for the longest time what he kept saying after till he was looking at the rain clouds last night and said “oh no, rain cloud… try again… chord cloud!” we realized he has been saying C-Chord almost constantly since we watched the videos.
I registered last night for the program and he heard the song at the end of the welcome video and came running over to me and said “C-Chord!? Thank you mom!!!” and got so excited. We watched the first Sweet Beets video and he actually brought me to tears. When we watched the videos before I just sang and signed and he watched. He stopped me last night and sat there trying to sing the words to the song and was actually singing beet and cherry in rhythm. That was such an incredible deal for him, because even though he was struggling with saying the words he was still singing it. He’s never responded verbally to anything like he has with your course! He woke up this morning and immediately came and asked for C-Chord, and has been dancing and singing to the videos all day!
Sorry for the incredibly long post but I was waiting to be able to come on here and thank you. I can’t even express how happy I am that you created this course and how happy I am that I found it! Thank you!!

Falon Kartz
MomProdigies is wonderful and high quality! I’ve been teaching music for 14 years, and it’s one of the best resources I’ve seen. I love the curriculum and my students and own children can’t get enough of PsP!

Rebekkah Smith
Music TeacherAbsolutely love this program!
I found Mr Rob on YouTube when I was looking for ideas for my ESE music class. I am teaching it for the first time. It turns out they LOVE it and so do my other classes when I show it. I teach Middle School Orchestra 6-8 and have incorporated lessons where needed to reinforce concepts. It makes learning music theory and singing so much fun!

Karen Dillard
Music TeacherI could go on for days about how wonderful PsP is! I use it to teach music in a special needs class setting, with my own young kids, and in one on one music lessons. It works for everybody! It is easy to facilitate and is excellent quality. It is fun and entertaining, but it truly teaches young kids how to make and appreciate music! It has also given me as a new music teacher confidence and guidelines to teach skills that build on each other and make sense.

Stephanie Powell
Adaptive Music TeacherThis program has revitalized my 30 year teaching career! Bravo! My students are engaged and learning at a rapid rate. I use this program with my existing xylophone fleet and Boom Whackers with much success! Video lessons allow me to float around the room and correct students hand position and provide one on one instruction where needed. Older students also love the Recorder program. I am able to provide better feed back & it is saving my voice. ❤️this program!

Donna Tugby
Music TeacherThis has been so great for my kids, ages 23 mos to 6 yrs. My youngest can always recognize “do” just by hearing the note and even sings “do re mi do” over and over to himself all day. It’s super cute. My kids love this. We do it daily after breakfast.

Tia Redford Pratt
MomProdigies Music Lessons is the BEST program I have used with my elementary music students. I HIGHLY recommend it to any elementary music teacher.

Dan Kinsman
Music TeacherThe PS-4th curriculum we use was formerly branded as “Preschool Prodigies.” It has since expanded greatly. The new name is now PsP, and provides curriculum for toddlers through elementary school! PsP recently presented at the Texas Music Teacher’s Conference and has grown substantially. If you see “Preschool Prodigies” at the beginnings of videos, please don’t worry. They have done an amazing job of increasing their scope an sequence to meet the needs of elementary learners. OLL is fortunate to have access to the wealth of knowledge available at PsP.
More on that topic-
If you’re willing to listen to my ramblings- keep reading.
I truly believe the PsP approach is fundamental and genuine. They care about the things that I care about- increasing pitch recognition, building chord memorization, and reinforcing rhythmic fluency. These are the building blocks that give musicians the innate skills to understand music performance and composition. The approach values pitch and rhythm at a higher cognitive level than any curriculum I’ve ever worked with.
I’ve been amazed with the growth students have shown in class. For example, if I give students a set of notes, (C, D, and E) then play a simple pattern on the piano, I’m shocked at how many students are able to play the pattern back to me on their instruments. As we continue these kinds of studies, the students musical “ears” have become more refined. It’s so exciting to watch their eyes light up.
Again, pleased don’t be turned off by the “Preschool Prodigies” moniker at the beginning of some of the videos. PsP is a small company that is only just receiving national recognition. PsP is going to be super helpful in this new adventure of distance learning.