
Curriculum Outline

Discover Over 500 Video Music Lessons. You can select from fan favorite playlists and songs, or dive into Core Curriculum Progressions complete with Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Sheet Music and more.

Free Introductory Material

FAQs, Getting Started Tips Our Best Parent/Teacher Training & 52 Minutes of Free Content to Demo Prodigies

Getting Started Playlists

Before we dive into the full curriculum, there are a few fan-favorite playlists up top for things like Instrument Free Practice and


Totigies is a new series of Solfege Rich music for infants and toddlers that makes great background music to reinforce Solfege and early pitch development.

Playtime Prodigies

Toddler friendly Primer videos that don’t require an instrument and feel a bit more like a TV show for kids than true music lessons.

Hello C

This truly starts the Core General Music Curriculum with a focus on the note C, each individual note, the C Major Chord and the C Major Scale.

Low C, High C

Focus more on the concepts of low and high, left and right, and the interval of an octave as we play more songs with the Low C and High C.

C & G, Best Friends

Discover the important relationship between C and G (Do and Sol – the 1 and 5) as we play lots of C and G songs.

D0 Re Mi

Here we’ll zoom in on the first three notes in the musical alphabet, Do Re Mi, and we’ll play lots of 3 note melodies like Mary Had a Little Lamb and Hot Cross Buns.

Mi Sol La

To start off Level 1B, we’ll focus on the sounds of “Nanny Nanny Boo Boo” — Mi Sol La — which make up dozens of melodies like “Doggie Doggie” & “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring.” 

Fa Sol La

Here we’ll play more 3 note melodies, but this time in the key of F Major to give us more practice with Fa Sol and La. Plus, we’ll play some more difficult songs using 6 notes.

Major Chords

Here we focus on the 3 Major Chords, C Major, G Major, and F Major and play lots of patterns using these 3 chords. We also review our 3 note melodies in G Major (Sol La Ti).


To finish up Level 1, we play dozens of C Major melodies using everything we’ve learned so far. This combines easier videos with more difficult sheet music as we prep for Level 2.

Hand Sign Playlist

Looking for short and sweet Solfege activities featuring just the hand-signs? We’ve got you covered in this fan-favorite playlist!

Rhythm Playlist

If you want Sweet Beets, we’ve got tons and tons of them inside this tap and clap heavy playlist.


Looking for “just the songs?” Take a break from the pedagogy and binge-play through the fan favorite songs from Prodigies.

NEW: Piano Prodigies

We’ve started adapting our Level 1 General Music Curriculum to create a more piano specific program inside of Piano Prodigies.

Hello Bells

A more difficult approach to the C Major material we covered in Level 1 featuring more musical vocab, harder songs and more chord analysis.

Intervals & the Treble Clef

A significantly more difficult chapter on intervals, reading black & white music and understanding the nuances of semi-tones. 

Recorder Levels 1-3

Take a spin through medieval times with the Squire, Knight & Lordy/Lady Levels of Recorder Prodigies in Recorder Book 1.

Recorder Levels 4-6

COMING SOON: Level 4-5 videos are available with Level 6 videos and the 2nd workbook coming soon!

NEW: Ukulele Prodigies

The first 20 Lessons of a brand-new Ukulele Series has launched! Learn basic chords, play simple melodies and discover Hawaii’s favorite instrument.

Holiday Prodigies

Sing, hand-sign and play with over 20 Holiday classics. Currently includes music for Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter and Passover w new Holiday songs coming soon. 

PDF Workbooks, Lesson Plans Checklists, Posters & More

Discover thousands of pages of printable curriculum to help enhance and guide your child’s musical journey!

#MusicMonday Releases

Every Monday we release new Performance Tracks. These range from easy 2 note Borduns to seriously difficult melodies and themes like “Rhapsody in Blue.”

…and more Chapters coming soon!!