Take a step-by-step musical journey with video courses, lesson plans, activities & sheet music
Level 1A Courses
Hello C
Year 1, Chapter 1
Level 1A
Welcome to Prodigies! In this first course, we’ll meet Mr. Rob, each of our bells and do a lot of easy call and response songs to get your kids ready for music lessons with Prodigies.
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)
High & Low
Year 1, Chapter 2
Level 1A
In Chapter 2, we’ll focus on the differences between high and low sounds (C/1 vs c/8) while also practicing the concept of LEFT and RIGHT. We’ll review our C Chord & our C Scale as well.
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)
Level 1B Courses
Mi Sol La
Year 2, Chapter 5
Level 1B
In Chapter 5, we’ll focus solely on the notes Mi Sol & La. This special combination of notes is the classic sound of “Nanny Nanny Boo Boo” which is a really important & powerful melody in early pitch education!
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)
Fa La La
Year 2, Chapter 6
Level 1B
In Chapter 6, we focus on Fa Sol & La while playing our 3 note Melodies (from Chapter 4) in the key of F Major! We’ll also play some famous Holiday songs like Ode to Joy, Jingle Bells and Auld Lang Syne and prepare “Ode to Joy” for a recital!
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)
Year 2, Chapter 7
Level 1A
In Chapter 7, we focus on the 3 Major Chords, C (I) F (IV) and G (V) Major! We’ll play the root notes, the blues and work on listening to and identifying the chords by ear! Plus, we’ll revisit our 3 note songs from Chapter 4 and 6, but this time in G Major.
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)
Level 2 Courses
Hello Bells
Year 3, Chapter 1
Level 2A
In Year 3, we move on from the fun & simpler lessons from Preschool Prodigies and move to more difficult theory concepts & sheet music with Primary Prodigies.
This course takes you through Chapter 1 of Primary Prodigies in combination with select lessons from Melodies, Rhythms & Performance Prodigies.
Lesson plans are coming soon.
Suggested Materials: C Major Instrument
(Bells, Piano, Mallet, Prodigies Bells App, etc)