It’s Music in Our Schools month! There are so many ways to get your students excited about music over these next few weeks. One of those ways is through colorful, educational bulletin boards! If your classroom has a bulletin board, you can use these boards as attention-grabbers or as a teaching tool throughout your lessons. Bulletin boards do take some thought and preparation, but they really do help to enhance the atmosphere of a room, especially if you change up the theme on a regular basis. So, if you’re wanting to add a little spice to your music room this month, try putting together one of these amazing bulletin boards! And don’t feel like you have to make your board exactly like the ones pictured. These just give you an idea of what you can do. Take these ideas and change them however you need to for your own classroom!
Here are some tips on creating an effective board:
1. Focus on one main theme.
2. Choose colors that complement each other and work well together.
3. Choose a good background color. If it’s a light background, then choose a dark text. If it’s a dark background, choose a lighter text or white text.
4. Using felt material for the background along with felt letters makes for a great combination.
5. Boards should have a purpose. Some boards can be used solely for decoration and others can be used for teaching a concept.
6. Bulletin board images should be simple. colorful, and an appropriate size.
7. Choose letters in styles that are easy to read at a distance.
8. It’s okay to have a little unused space. Having a cluttered board tends to be too distracting.

And now, check out these awesome boards!
1. Music Makes the World Colorful
I love this board from Stephanie Brueggeman because it shows how music isn’t dull and boring. Instead, it’s vibrant and fills our world with color!
2. Three Ways to Read
This board is awesome because you can use it as a teaching tool in your classroom! Teach note placement, note names, Chroma-notes colors, and hand signs all at the same time!
3. Music Transforms You
Whether you are listening to music, teaching a lesson, playing an instrument, or singing a song, music is powerful and can transform lives! Remind your students of the influence and power of music with these beautiful butterflies and sheet music!
4. Spring Flowers
It’s almost springtime! If you’re looking for a board to freshen up your room for spring, try putting together these fun flowers!
5. Ensembles/Vocal Groups
If you are teaching about various ensembles, this board serves as a great visual teaching tool for this concept!
6. Can You Solve the Cases?
This is a clever, interactive board that puts the focus on instrument recognition. Students have to match the case with the correct instrument! You can also include fun facts about various instruments as well.

7. A Masterpiece
Just like every, single person has great importance in this world, every note in a song has great importance too. When all the notes are played together, they create something beautiful. This board will probably take some time to put up, but the value of life and music appreciation that it teaches will make it time well spent!
We hope you enjoyed this collection of bulletin boards!
As always, Happy Musicing and we will C ya later!
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