Language (Camp Prodigies Day 3)

Hi everyone!!

I hope you had an excellent day at Camp, learning about Math and Science! Did anyone’s students hear “Sweet Beets” for the very first time?? What did they think of it? I know that’s our little Lil’s favorite!!
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Wednesday is all about language–a place near and dear to my heart as a former high school English teacher.
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Tomorrow we’ll play the classic game, “I’m going on a Camping Trip and I’m bringing…”, followed by an exhilarating game of Rhyming Tag!! Check the lesson plans for more details! 
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I’m particularly excited about the Story Baskets activity!! I love hearing stories made up by children and hope you do, too!! Giving them a basis for their story–even simple objects around the classroom or outside can be great inspiration!!
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By Wednesday your campers should be performing their songs without lyric sheets, in order to be ready for Friday. If your campers need their lyric sheets though, that’s okay, too! 

For our second outdoor activity, one of your options is to have another nature walk. If the first one was a hit with your kids, take another one and let the students collect little treasures as they walk.

Or, if your campers are all tuckered out by the end of the day (or if you need some time to organize all of the cute photos you’ve taken so far), show them the short film The Gruffalo–available on both Netflix and Amazon Prime. I had never seen this movie before planning Camp and I LOVED it!! Great music, great narration (Helena Bonham Carter) and just the right amount of spooky for a good camp story!

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Have a great day!!! I can’t wait to hear (and see!) how your day goes!!!