This is just quick follow post up to our original Boomwhacker Lightsaber Duel post!
In the first post, we talked about using Boomwhackers like Lightsabers (constructively!) and shared the Main Theme from Star Wars for Boomwhackers. If you haven’t already…
In this post, we’re sharing a simplified version of the Imperial March (Vader’s Theme) for C Major Boomwhackers.

I went back on forth on arranging Vader’s Theme in C or in it’s original key Eb for awhile. After playing this simplified version in C with my classes, it was clear that the simplified version was plenty of fun and no one was the wiser about the one changed note and the change of key.
Plus, this way if you only have the C Boomwhackers or bells, your kids can still play along and enjoy!
Have fun!
Download Vader’s Theme for C Major Instruments here (it’s a short and simplified version) >
I didn’t have any expectations concerning that title, but then the longer I was
amazed. The writer did a great job.